Help In The Aftermath Of An Injury
The effects of an accident can haunt you and your family for years. Not only will you have pain, suffering and perhaps even permanent disability, but you will also face medical expenses, lost wages and other damages. If your injuries were caused by the negligence of another party, the law provides that you should be able to seek compensation for your damages through a personal injury lawsuit.
However, successfully pursuing a personal injury lawsuit is not easy. Many people don’t know how to start, or are unaware of time limits and other barriers to personal injury claims. The other party is typically represented by highly paid, highly skilled insurance company lawyers who have a strong incentive to keep you from getting all the compensation you need and deserve.
If you are in this situation, you need the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you understand your options, choose your strategy and fight for your rights.
More Than 30 Years Of Experience
At WatkinsPerkins Law Group, we have more than 30 years of experience helping the injured and their families to recover compensation in cases involving such issues as:
- Car accidents
- Truck accidents
- Defective products
- Serious injuries
Our experience gives us insight into the strategies to recover compensation even in cases involving complex legal matters such as truck accidents and product liability.
When necessary, we partner with other law firms to make sure we offer you the best representation we can, to protect your rights and your family’s future.
For Professional Help In Personal Injury
If you need the help of an attorney who is experienced in personal injury, call the Greenville, Texas, office of WatkinsPerkins Law Group today at 903-274-4231. You can also contact us by email.
We offer free initial consultations for personal injury clients in Greenville, Hunt County and the surrounding communities.